THE TIME HAS (almost) COME!!!
I am exhausted!
I have been breastfeeding Mini The Milk throughout the night for 25 months now WITHOUT LYING DOWN! He hates to breastfeed lying down so the, “whip the boob out and fall back to sleep” like I did with my other two boys has not worked for me this time around. There are some misconceptions about night weaning and what it’s all about. How can you be an attachment parent and gently night wean your toddler?
I will be updating this blog post regularly with new videos as I go through the process of night weaning my little boobie obsessed two year old!
Video #1! Here is the first installment of “Operation Gentle Night Wean!”
I chat about my feelings surrounding it, answer questions about attachment parenting and night weaning and go over the first step I will be taking in this journey!
In video #2 I discuss the next step we have taken (although I am still breastfeeding Mini The Milk at night!) and how changing the bed and sleep situation can help the night weaning process and getting them to sleep in their own bed…Remember these steps happen slowly over time and is not a linear process. Although I am still breastfeeding him, we are moving forward to the end goal!
Video #3…It’s been over one month since I posted the first video! What’s the update?! Is he still night boobing?! Watch to find out…
Would you like to read my article on gentle night weaning? CLICK HERE for some tips!
Do you need some help forming a night weaning plan?! CLICK HERE to schedule a night weaning consult with me!